NOCANONICNAME, Value is not a canonic name (xxxx). M89, Specified pattern is not a _subpattern_ ROUTINEUNKNOWN, Routine could not be found M86, Cannot relinquish device with I/O pending M85, Network protocol error: invalid server message M84, Network protocol error: invalid client message M82, Network connection suspended: wait to resume SOCKACPT, Error accepting socket connection OPENCONN, Error opening socket connection M81, Unable to establish network connection SOCKWAIT, Error waiting for socket connection SOCKMAX, Attempt to exceed maximum sockets xxx for the SOCKET device SOCKINIT, Error initializing socket: (errno = aaaa) xxxx M80, Network error not otherwise specified M79, TCP socket allocated to another device

LISTENPASSBND, Controlmnemonic LISTEN can be applied to PASSIVE socket which is in M76, TCP socket state incorrect for CONNECT or LISTEN ZFILENMTOOLONG, xxxx is longer than 255 characters REC2BIG, Record size (xxxx) is greater than maximum (yyyy) for region: zzzz MAXSTRLEN, Maximum string length exceeded M75, String length exceeds implementation’s limit M74, Illegal value for TRANSLATION parameter M73, Invalid usage of _devicekeyword_ NEWFILE M72, Illegal value for recordsize parameter M71, Attempt to read data block larger than buffer size M70, Illegal value for BLOCKSIZE parameter M69, Attempted tape I/O while no tape mounted M64, Illegal value for RENAME parameter while attempting to M63, Illegal value for DISPOSITION parameter while M62, Illegal value for ACCESS parameter while attempting to M61, Attempt to OPEN file with conflicting ACCESS M59, Environment reference not permitted for this _ssvn_ ZCCONMSMTCH, External call: Too many input arguments ZCARGMSMTCH, External call: Actual argument count, xxxx is greater than formal MULTLAB, This label has been previously definedĪCTLSTTOOLONG, More actual parameters than formal parameters: xxxx M57, More than one defining occurrence of label in routine M56, Name length exceeds implementation’s limit M54, Attempt to create non-modal child of a modal parent M51, Attempt to destroy M-Term window prior to CLOSE M50, Attempt to reference a non M-Term window in an OPEN

M48, Nonexistent window, element or choice M47, Invalid attribute value (original text: Invalid TRANSNOSTART, ZTCOMMIT(s) issued without corresponding ZTSTART(s) M44, Invalid _command_ outside of a TRANSACTION TPLOCK, Cannot release lock(s) held prior to current TSTART

M41, Invalid LOCK argument within a TRANSACTION JOBACTREF, Actual parameter in job command passed by reference VAREXPECTED, Variable expected in this context M37, READ from device identified by the empty string INVMNEMCSPC, Unsupported mnemonicspace xxxx M35, Device does not support _mnemonicspace_ M33, SET or KILL to ^$ROUTINE when _routine_ exists _mnemonicspace_ which has no associated line M32, _controlmnemonic_ used in user-defined M31, _controlmnemonic_ used for device without a M30, Reference to _glvn_ with different collating sequence M29, SET or KILL on _ssvn_ not allowed by implementation M28, Mathematical function, parameter out of range M27, Attempt to rollback a transaction that is not M25, Attempt to modify currently executing routine M24, Change to collation algorithm while subscripted M23, SET or KILL to ^$JOB for non-existent job number M22, SET or KILL to ^$GLOBAL when data in global (original text: Algorithm specification invalid) M21, Formal parameter occurs multiple times M19, Cannot copy a tree or subtree into itself RDFLTOOSHORT, Length specified for fixed length read less than or equal to zero M18, Fixed length READ not greater than zero QUITARGREQD, Quit from an extrinsic must have an argument QUITARGUSE, Quit cannot take an argument in this context QUITARGLST, Quit cannot take a list of arguments NOTEXTRINSIC, Quit does not return to an extrinsic function, argument not allowed ZPRTLABNOTFND, Label not found in routine OFFSETINV, Entry point xxxx+yyyy not valid LABELUNKNOWN, Label referenced but not defined LABELNOTFND, GOTO referenced a label that does not exist LABELMISSING, Label referenced but not defined : xxxx JOBLABOFF, Label and offset not found in created process
PATUPPERLIM, Pattern code upper limit is less than lower limitįALLINTOFLST, Fall-through to a label with formal list is not allowed TEXTARG, Invalid argument to $TEXT function SELECTFALSE, No argument to $SELECT was true
RANDARGNEG, Random number generator argument must be greater than or equal to one M2, Invalid combination with P _fncodatom_ Error Message Quick Reference ¶ Standard Error Codes ¶